Dr Ange's Blog

About Instructional Models Oct 12, 2023

I am currently involved in the review of a primary school. I volunteered for the role of...

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The 'Ryans' Oct 05, 2023

On the holidays I took my 3 girls to see the ‘Barbie’ movie. To be honest, I was not...

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My assessment fails Sep 14, 2023

Earlier this year I was preparing for a conference keynote presentation. The session was looking...

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Music Anxiety Sep 06, 2023

When I was in Year 7 I remember being excited to learn music. I had never played an instrument...

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What is the opposite of favouritism? Aug 29, 2023

You may or may not know that both my parents are teachers. Interestingly, my Year 6 daughter...

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109…200 Aug 17, 2023

Have you ever noticed that when a student counts there are critical flash points that indicate if...

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Lasagne and sugar Aug 10, 2023

Today I wanted to start by saying that I am a pseudo-vegetarian. Basically, this means if...

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When I cried in my class Aug 01, 2023

My graduate class was a tough bunch of Year 1/2 students. There were learning needs, behavioural...

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My takeaways from the MERGA 2023 conference Jul 27, 2023

On the school holidays I had the pleasure of spending four days in beautiful Newcastle in New...

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My thoughts on the new NAPLAN reports Jul 12, 2023

NAPLAN results are dribbling through at the moment so I wanted to share some thoughts on the new...

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What Ted Lasso taught me about maths assessment Jul 12, 2023

One of my top 5 TV shows of all time is Season 1 and 2 of Ted Lasso (I found Season 3 a...

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The Losada Ratio Jun 22, 2023

I love to read! I have many many books on the go at once. Most are related to the teaching of...

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