Work with me




Interested in learning more from Dr Ange Rogers?

Click below to learn more about my current offerings.

Download Ange's 2024 PD Information Guide here
In-School PD

I love running full day, half day or after school PD sessions in schools. I am happy to tailor a session to the needs of your school, but my favourite topic to facilitate is 'Developing a whole school approach to place value'. I can travel to your school or we can organise an online session. Click below and make a time to discuss.


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Strategic Guidance

Are you looking for individualised guidance related to your school's unique needs? Over 12 months (and beyond if you wish) we will meet regularly to set goals and discuss strategy that will lead change and ensure your whole school's Numeracy teaching and learning is moving forward. This package includes 2 full days of PD, 1 day of classroom modelling and a PLT meeting with your staff. 


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Parent Maths Night

I love sharing my passion and knowledge for maths education with parents and carers. In a jam-packed session I share practical tips and advice for parents wanting to help and encourage their children in maths. This session can be either online or face to face.


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Modelling Lessons

I can come to your school and model lessons for teachers. After a session in the classroom, we can then follow up with a targeted coaching and reflection session to ensure teachers gain the most from watching me teach. 



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Numeracy Teachers Academy

The Numeracy Teachers Academy is a online 12 month membership for teachers and Numeracy Leaders. I provide mentoring, ongoing support and high quality, practical PD that members can access at any time. Both school and individual memberships are available. The NTA opens for intakes of 40 new members twice a year.


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Place Value Mini Course

In my PhD research I developed an assessment tool called the PVAT. It is suitable for Year 2-6 students and is available for free here. This mini course takes you through everything you need to know to implement this assessment across your school and use the data you gather to guide your place value instruction.


Take the course
On-Demand Webinars


I offer webinars covering the teaching and learning of major F-6 content areas such as addition, multiplication and fractions. These webinars are perfect to help teachers to build their knowledge and confidence before they teach or plan each topic.



Purchase a webinar

Contact me directly

Do you have questions or want to express an interest in booking my services? Fill in the form below and we can talk more about how I can support the needs of your school.