What you will learn

MODULE 1: What is the PVAT?
This module introduces you to the Pre-PVAT, PVAT and Decimal Place Value Assessment tool (PVAT). It explores the development and administration of these assessments.

MODULE 2: Our students have completed the PVAT, now what?
This module looks at marking and collating your Pre-PVAT, PVAT and Decimal PVAT data.

MODULE 3: What do we do with the data?
This module looks at interpreting your Pre-PVAT, PVAT and Decimal PVAT data using moderation protocols. It also explores common student misconceptions.

MODULE 4: High Quality Place Value Instruction
This module shares the learning sequences aligned to the PVAT Stages which have been developed by Dr Ange.

MODULE 5: We have taught place value. Was it a success?
This module looks at gathering both quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the effectiveness of your place value instruction.

In the bonus module you will be shown how to create a Guttman chart to analyse your data and how to create a PVAT Stage graph in Excel.
Hi I'm Dr Ange Rogers...
I completed my PhD in Maths Education in 2014. Through my PhD research I developed the Place Value Assessment Tool (PVAT). Since then I have steadily worked to created a full suite of resources that support leaders to ensure consistent and easy implementation of high- quality place value assessments from Years 1-6. This mini-course steps you through how to administer, analyse and interpret pre-PVAT, PVAT and Stage 5 Decimals PVAT data to improve your teaching and learning of place value across your school. I pride myself on providing high- quality, practical, simple, resources for leaders and schools and this Mini Course is no different.
Find out more about Dr Ange
4.5 Hour Course
Lifetime, School-wide access, Complete Anytime.
PVAT+ Mini Course
$325+GST (AUD)
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