Tips on running a PLT

numeracy leaders teachers May 04, 2022

In this blog post I wanted to share some thoughts on Professional Learning Team (PLT) meetings.

Now they may be called something else in your school, but essentially as Numeracy Leader I had the responsibility of leading approximately 3 PLT’s per term. 

I remember always trying to rack my brain for ideas.

It was such a balancing act. I remember sitting through many PLT meetings and thinking “this is a waste of my time”. So, when I became a leader, I was adamant I never wanted teachers feeling that way in my PLT meetings.

It is such a challenge to decide upon what you should focus on in the PLT meetings.

They take so long to prepare.

And often it is hard because you have a range of year levels to cater for and a range of experience within each year level. 

So, my advice is to look at your PLTs for the whole year and plan them out. Look at your goals for the school in terms of numeracy.

How can you have the most impact in those sessions? And how can you keep them really practical? 

Make it clear from the start what the purpose of the meetings is... they are NOT planning time…they are professional learning time. This alleviates some of the blockers who get angry and just want to use the time for planning.

Also take the load off yourself as much as you can. Ask teachers to model things in PLT meetings. Give those who are keen an opportunity to step up and work on their own leadership skills by sharing. It doesn’t always have to be you presenting. 

You get better at PLTs the more you do them- you get smarter and faster at your planning and develop confident in your presenting.

Remember that imposter syndrome will definitely rear it head before and during PLTs…but remember your self talk… you don’t have to know everything…you are not pretending to know everything…you are there to guide and support and if you don’t know something just tell the teachers you will get back to them.

Model a growth mindset and your teachers will too!

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