$3,495 +GST

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The Number Fluency Program - DIY Package

This package provides your school with ongoing access to all the Number Fluency Program resources.

You will be able to follow the instructions provided to successfully set up the program.

  • Worksheets Set 0-5
  • Screener Set 0-5
  • Assessments Set 0-5
  • Home-School Link Sheets Sets 0-5
  • Complete implementation guide including 'how to' videos.
  • Termly online group Meet-ups with Dr Ange.

 (#realmaths: In a school of 100 students across their 7 years of school this equates to an investment of $4.95 per student)


Please Note: If you would prefer to be issued an invoice and so you can pay by EFT, please just email [email protected]